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Excited for you! The Lord is going to do so much in your life!

Dive into the Bible.

Get to know what you believe. The Word of God (the bible) is the truth we stand on. 

Find a church.

We are not called to do life alone but to come along one another and encourage each other to follow Jesus with everything! 

Get baptized.

Baptism is an outward declaration of an internal commitment.

Tell someone.

Let people know you just accepted Christ. 

Important things to think about when finding a Church.

Finding a church is very important. What is most important is that the church is preaching out of The Bible?Make sure that the church you attend is NOT adding or taking away from The Word of God.  It's the Word of God through His Holy Spirit that brings change to our hearts and lives. Have your own Bible and follow along with the Scripture as it is being taught, as well as going back to make sure what you have heard is Biblically based. If you can't find it in The Word of God (the Bible) it is not TRUTH. 


Translations of the Bible recommended: NIV, NKJV, NLT, KJV,ESV

Where do I start? This Bible IS BIG? 

The Gospel of John is a great place to start. If you go to the table of contents in the beginning of your Bible you will find it under the New Testament. It is important to get to know who your Savior Jesus Christ is. The more you know Him the more you will start to know who you are in Him.

There's also a Proverbs for every day of the month. (Jan 1= Proverbs 1). I recommend adding Proverbs into whatever you choose to read! 


Another great book is Ephesians or Galatians also in the New Testament.


Welcome to the family of God! The Lord is going to so much in and through you! Don't give up! If it gets hard keep pushing through and pursuing Him reading His word. It is always a fun thing to journal while you read your Bible. What stands out? What do you have questions about? The Lord is going to work in and through you! We are the only ones that can separate us from His love so always seek Him. 

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