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Children of God

Writer's picture: London AnstineLondon Anstine

" Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God." John 1:12-13


I love how Jesus refers to us as His children. A child has a natural trust for their Mother and Father. In the same way we can trust our Savior as our ultimate Father. Some people have great families and parents who have modeled Christs love and patience well while others do not have the same story. No matter where you find yourself, we must always look to our Father God as the one in which we reflect and model after.

Being His child means that we have access to Him. We have access to as much of Him as we want. Often our unawareness of who He is and that He is right here with us doesn't allow us to experience the fullness of what He wants to give us as a Father moment by moment. We live crazy busy lives that hinder our atunement to the moment by moment abiding He offeres as our Father. When we recieve Christ, He then becomes our ultimate Father.

Have you ever done someting and said, "Wow, I just did what my mother would do!" We start to reflect who we spend the most time with. Growing up we spend the most time with our parents and subconsiously have learned habits from the interactions we faced. I love this passage even more because being a child of God is an opportunity to relearn from our Heavily Father the habbits and way of life that brings fullness.


We have two essential nutrients in every realationship. One is love and the other is trust. Love and trust are, "essential nutrients" to building healthy relationships. When we don't get love met we can start shaming or blaming. Likewise, when we don't trust we control or escape. In this passage, however God calls us His children, which means we come to Him as our Father to get those needs met and learn His ways.

When we learn His ways of love and trust that we are actually learning the way of Jesus. He gave us the needs that He intends to fill, because He is our Father. The question is, am I dependednt and in need of my Father everyday? Am I aware that I need Him?



How is my awareness, throughout my day, that I am a child of God? Do I receive His love. Am I able to trust Him? What might be blocking these two things?

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