T O P I C: Colossians 1+2
Every devotional is to help be a starting point for you and your time with The Lord. He^^ loves you and wants to spend intentional time with you in His^^ Word (the Bible) and in everyday life.
Xoxo rooted.core
**Read Psalms 45+46**
Read Colossians 1:1-14
Leading up to Easter Sunday I want to encourage you to spend some time reading the Easter story. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all have the Easter story from different angles yet in complete harmony they tell the most beautiful love story of all. You can find the Easter story Matthew 26+27+28 ; Mark 14+15+16 ; Luke 22+23+24 ; John 12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20. Choose a story to read every day and understand Easter more fully.
In the beginning of Colossians Paul talks about the boldness and fruit of the church Colossae.
Colossians 1:4
“Because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love you have for all God’s people.”
These people were known for the way they loved one another. In the bible it talks about loving your neighbor. The church in Colossae was so good at that. What would it look like if you were in a community that loved one another just as Christ loved us? Now hear me out for a second. This is only possible if we first receive love (true authentic love from Abba^^) and the choose to walk in it. If the knowledge is in our heads and not our hearts our actions won’t change. If we let the love of Jesus go from the head to the heart it is then that our actions will truly change.
Later on in the chapter we hear how Paul is praying for the church. It is so inspiring to hear his beautiful prayer. How often do we just sit and complain to God instead of asking him to fill us with the knowledge of His^^ will through all understanding that the Spirit gives? How often do we ask God for knowledge and spiritual understanding? These prayers show the posture and the priority that is in Paul’s heart.
Colossians 1:13
“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves in whom we have redemption and forgiveness of sin.”
If someone from a distance looked at your life would you be known for the way you love? On a scale of 1-10 how much do you feel like you receive God’s love? Why is it hard to receive His love? How can you be consistent in prayer?
Dear Heavenly Father,
You are worthy of my yes in every moment of every day. Thank you for dying so I am able to live with you for eternity. Your love is all my heart needs. Jesus I pray that you would fill me with your love. I pray you would give me eyes to see you and ears to hear your words. - In Jesus precious name Amen.
**Read Psalms 47+48**
Read Colossians 1:14-29
Colossians 1:16
“For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.”
In Jesus all the earth was created. How beautiful is that. No one was created on accident. Jesus created us in Heaven to be who He^^ has called us to be. Jesus does not have accidents. In fact He^^ is so intentional with us that He^^ knows our hearts and desires often times before we even do. He^^ knows how many hairs we have on our heads. We were created to give Him^^ praise.
As we read on in the chapter we can see that we were once enemies of God. WOW that’s insane that because of our evil behavior we were enemies. The cross. Easter. It is because of the cross and easter that we are able to not be enemies of God anymore but instead His^^ sons and daughters. How beautiful is that? That is truly the most beautiful love story I have ever read. That God would come down from Heaven, be beaten and punished as if He^^ was the worst human on earth and then rise again on the 3rd day so that we don’t have to live apart from Him^^. That because of Him^^ we are able to live in confidence and freedom? What other love story has given up their lives and rose again? None that I have heard other than this one!
How does seeing salvation as a love story change your heart? How many times have you felt like you have missed the mark? Jesus came to heal you and set you free. In response to His^^ heroic love we give our lives. He^^ wants our lives! How can you give Jesus your love today? What would it look like to share every moment of today with Him^^? Since we are Christians we are able to do that!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Jesus thank you for your heroic love story of sending your one and only son to earth so that I could be saved. Thank you for loving us and not leaving us dead to our sin. Your act of love though we were sinners is the mist beautiful act. I pray that you would guard my heart and mind from the schemes of the devil. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that you would give me a spirit of wisdom and revelation. In Jesus name Amen.
**Read Psalms 49+50**
Read Colossians 2:1-15
As verse two talks about how Paul rights this letter to the church so that they would be encouraged, united in love.
Colossians 2:2
“My goal is that you may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God namely Christ.
If we are trying to understand God and build a relationship with Him^^ then shouldn’t we spend time with Him^^ understanding the Word of God? How often do we say we want to know Jesus more yet we make excuse after excuse. “Nothing sacrificed nothing gained” an old teammate would say. If we aren’t willing to set time aside to get to know Jesus then we won't know Him^^.
Colossians 2:6-7
“So then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and build up in Him, strengthened in faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Being rooted in Jesus is the most important thing as Christians. After becoming Christians we are to take off our old self. Our old coping mechanisms, old habits, lifestyles all the things this world has to offer so that we can be “rooted in Him” and strengthened in Him. We can't have two anchors of our lives. If there are blocks you’re facing spend time with Him^^ tell Him^^ how you’re feeling and why. You can check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUNO4yQkzZw&t=12s it is a video about specific lies that we were taught to believe before we met Jesus (there is part 2 as well.)
I love how it talks about the byproduct of being filled with Him^^ is thankfulness. Wow that is something this world definitely does not offer.
How much time do you put into your relationship with Jesus? (there is no right answer) How can you make Him^^ a priority in your life? How does your schedule have to change in order to make room for Him^^?
What would your life look like to “live in Him”?
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you Abba for today. Thank you for your word that satisfies my soul. I pray Jesus that if there is any place in my heart that needs your healing that you show me that area cleansing me. I pray that you would fill me with thankfulness and that my eyes and ears would be attune to what you’re doing in every moment. In Jesus Holy name Amen.
**Read Psalms 51+52**
Read Colossians 2:16-23
The last part of Colossians 2 warns us against false humility and worship of angels.
Colossians 2:18-19
“Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind.”
Throughout the bible it talks about knowing the word of God. As the days go on the war does not stop. As we get to know Jesus we are then able to decipher between what is true and what is not biblical. There are false teachings in the world. That is why it is important to know the word of God like the back of your hand. It talks about how the word of God is the sword in which we fight our battles. If you don’t have a weapon how can you win a battle? It says “they have lost their connection to the head.” Jesus is the head of the church. He^^ is the one who it is all about. Whenever it becomes about us or what we can do we have lost Him^^ as the head. As we get to know Him^^ and spend time with Him^^ and let Him^^ transform us we are changed. It should always be for Him^^ and through Him^^ any change happens. Not a 5 steps on… trying to create our actions to be better. It is a lot easier to create new actions but God is the only one who can change the heart.
Are you able to call out false teaching if you hear it? How can you start sharpening your sword? What is the definition of humility? How can you let God change your heart instead of just trying to change your actions?
Dear Heavenly Father,
Jesus thank you for waking me up today. Thank you for loving me no matter what. I pray that you would give me a new stirring and love for your word that you would create in me perseverance to press through. Jesus please guard my heart and mind. Jesus In Jesus name Amen.
**Read Psalms 53+ 54 + 55 + 56 + 57 + 58 throughout the three days**
Go ahead and read through a couple of the gospels when it talks about Easter. No matter if you have heard it every year your whole life or if it is the first time you have ever read it I know that the Lord wants to show you a new side of His^^ heart. He^^ loves you and wants to give you deeper revelation on what happened on the cross for the rest of your life!!